What to Expect
Whether it’s jeans or a suit and tie, come as you are comfortable. Some Grace attenders dress more informally, while others choose to dress up for church. A typical service begins with singing, time for announcements, and a sermon that digs into how the Bible affects how we live. The service is about an hour in length. We love having wiggly kids with us, but should you feel the need to step out we have a nursery (birth through 36 months) available during our service. Questions? Please contact our church office here! We look forward to having you join us at Grace!
Join us in-person! Traveling or homebound? YouTube Channel available.
Our Mission:
Rooted, Growing, Going
Rooted in God’s Word, Growing Together In Christ,
Going to the World with Christ’s Love
Ministry Focus
Gathering Together for Biblical Training & Equipping to Engage our World
- God has designed the church as a community of believers and we gather regularly in a variety of ways for training, encouraging, and equipping around the Word of God. We aspire to learn how to work out these truths in our lives and church body, and bring them to our world. God’s Word changes us; through us, it can change others, too.
What We Believe
We believe the Bible tells us the Truth about God and ourselves. The Bible, the Old and New Testament, are the authoritative Word of God and the only perfect rule for faith, doctrine and conduct.
We believe it is necessary to choose to enter into a personal relationship with God. When a person puts their trust in God’s Son, Jesus Christ, they enter into a living relationship with God that brings forgiveness and gives new purpose to life.
We believe the church is made up of believers in Christ. The church is a community of believers in Christ whose common faith provides motivation to worship God and work towards bringing God’s Good News to people.
We believe God is at work in and through us. God, by His Holy Spirit, gathers the church into being, empowers witness, guides its mission, and supplies the talents and gifts that are needed to honor and serve Jesus Christ.
We believe Jesus Christ gives us freedom to be responsible with our lives. Jesus Christ, through His death and resurrection, has delivered us from the power of sin and death, and moves us into an entirely new experience of obedience and life. We use this freedom to live responsibly before God, allowing for differences of opinion and practice within biblical guidelines.
Our Denomination
We are a member church of both the Northwest Conference of Covenant Churches and the Evangelical Covenant Church of America, the denominational family to which we belong.